Apr 15Liked by Martini Glambassador

Bee kind!

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Apr 15Liked by Martini Glambassador

What a sweet gif. The idea of saving a cold bee reminded me of something I did for a lady bug once. I had washed a load of towels and hung them outside to dry. I folded them as I took them down and put them away in the bathroom. A couple days later I took one out to use and saw a lady bug on the towel that was underneath. I carefully picked it up and it was barely moving. I rushed it to my late mother's rose bushes which, of course, were covered in aphids. I set it on one of the leaves and it began to eat. The more it ate the more it moved. I know it might seem silly to rescue one lady bug but my mother had always praised them for saving her rose bushes so... Thanks, Martini.

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Apr 16Liked by Martini Glambassador

I am so glad I read the linked article at Save the Bees yesterday, because this morning I saved a bee!! It was on the sidewalk in the shade and I almost stepped on it; it seems very sluggish so I picked it up and put it on a daffodil in the sunshine and it flew off just a bit later :) I've never picked up a bumblebee before and it was so cool how it just buzzed against my fingers! Thanks, Martini!

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Apr 15Liked by Martini Glambassador

Love this post so much. 🥰🐝♥️

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