Vote, vote, vote, like a baby stoat!

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Baby Stoat! doo doo doo doo doo doo

Baby stoat doo doo doo doo doo doo

Speaking of early voting, we made a plan to vote early on Saturday the 26th of October. As of Friday evening, Mrs. Thors says to me, "I still don't know who I am voting for".... She obviously knows PAB is a fucking moron, but she also has Facebook and WAY too many GOP friends and family and when she started a sentence with "you know I am a religious person".... that is when I knew that one of the Russian fuckers pushed the right button and made some stupid meme about how the Bible foretold that Kamala Harris would bring about the end times or some such rot... there was no arguing....

but it don't matter, we live in Flarduh and Kamala has a snowballs chance of winning here... but we did our civic duty, and at least she voted for Debbie Mercarsel-Powell to kick Rick Scott out of the senate.

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Martini, November 5 is election day.

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Oh gosh error! I will fix now.

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Hey I already voted so can I sleep in? In AZ we have had no excuse absentee ballot voting forever so my ballot went in the govt lock box on Wednesday. Oh and stoats are adorable so thanks Martini!

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